Baby Bee Yoga

Child Liability & Photography Waiver


Please convey the following information to your child: No poses or activities done in this class should be painful! If it’s too hard or if it hurts, you can stop! You may rest at any time during the class. It is important in yoga that you listen to your body, and respect its limits on any given day. I, the undersigned parent or guardian, understand that Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. In the case where my child has an injury, sickness or anything else that may be affected by physical activity, I have consulted with a physician to ensure my child can take yoga classes. I recognize that it is my responsibility to notify the instructor of any serious illness or injury before every yoga class. In further consideration of permitting my child to participate in the yoga class, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against Janeen Barbosa/Baby Bee Yoga and the owner/lessor of the Premises for injury or damages that my child may sustain while on the Premises as a result of participating in the yoga class. I, my heirs or legal representatives irrevocably covenant not to sue and forever release, waive, and discharge any other claims of any kind whatsoever against Janeen Barbosa/Baby Bee Yoga or the owner of the Premises for any personal injury, property loss or damage, or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above. I accept that neither the instructor, nor the hosting facility is liable for any injury, or any damages, to person or property, resulting from the taking of the class. This form must be signed by a parent or guardian.

I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Liability Waiver Agreement. I am signing this agreement voluntarily and recognize that my signature serves as a complete and unconditional release of all liability of myself, and my child, to the greatest extent allowed by law in the State of Texas.

If the child is currently taking medications or has serious allergies that should be made known to medical personnel in case of an emergency, please indicate them below.

Photography Waiver

I, also, hereby give to Janeen Barbosa and Baby Bee Yoga the absolute and irrevocable right and permission, with respect to the photographs that she has taken of myself and/or my minor child in which he/she may be included with others:

  a) To copyright the same in the photographer’s name or any other name that she may select;

  b) To use, re-use, publish and re-publish the same in whole or in part, separately or in conjunction with other photographs, in any medium now or hereafter known, and for any purpose whatsoever, including (but not by way of limitation) illustration, promotion, social media posting, advertising and trade, and;

I hereby release and discharge Janeen Barbosa from all and any claims and demands ensuing from or in connection with the use of the photographs, including any and all claims for libel and invasion of privacy.